My child has no online account, although these matches without any cash. We save his money for him, and when he would like to invest, we get it done for him when we approve (and sometimes we accept dumb shit like the umpteenth stuffed creature he will never look at, yes, only so he learns to recognise dumb purchases as well). But I won't let him make use of money to do something addictive. So I put the case of doing this without extra money along the way. Have to admit I do often but the legend or deluxe variant that contains a bundle of Cheap NBA 2K21 MT, to get to this 70+ place where you can actually play at the NBa NBA 2K21 matches with a few builds. You can make that begin money for a little, if you look after your VC.
While I would love to think about this alternative I do not think if I take this approach that it could be fair to him he would have his mom do it. When it's money coming out of my pocket I won't purchase it if he made the money and is giving me the cash so I buy it for him personally (through Amazon gift card) then that is on him. I really plan on getting 21 for myself and grinding out without purchasing any extra VC simply to see how hard it's to stay competitive without losing tons of cash on NBA 2K21 and use that as an example once we play with together.if you even gets NBA 2K21. I shut them off Madden though since this game was just as getting sketchy when I last played with the 2018 game but I might have to do the exact same for 2k when it gets too bad like last time.
He is 14. I would be having another conversation about money with him lol When he was 19. When I was his age however I remember. I'd save yourself money anyway I could so I can buy something that I needed or desired. I would not just spend it the second my hand touched. Hell his grandpa gave him for doing nothing 30 dollars. I made a joke about how within 2 mins he is going to ask me to get him a gift card with that cash and he got upset and even raised his voice at me so that I just shut off him NBA 2K21 and delivered him out the room.
Sure he's got a bit angry with you it occurs but talk to the guy you know him then do ofc so yeah sit down and teach him you can't back away just coz he got angry with you nba2king and guy idk im not from America but $50 in my money (South african Rand ) is all about R1000 yeah 1k thats a great deal of money swear minimum wage folks earning about R3000 per month and the average kid his age roughly gets R300 per month so let him be grateful or otherwise tell him to come here he could chunk hard here.