Using the eSoftTools EML Converter suite to convert EML to office 365 files quickly. Following a few basic steps, users can translate EML files to different file formats using this specialised programme. It can translate EML files to a number of file formats, including PST, EMLX, MSG, HTML, NSF, MBOX, and others. It can also export EML to cloud providers such as Office365 and Gmail.
Get more info- convert EML to office 365

Users can migrate EML into Office 365 accounts using the eSoftTools free EML to Office 365 converter. EML files are imported into Office 365 account, along with associated attachments. There is no set limit for adding EML files in the software for conversion. Users can save EML files to an existing or new folder in their Office 365 account.
Get More Info- Free EML to Office 365 converter
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Little Alchemy
Manual Procedure to Export Windows Live Mail EML to PST/Office 365
In case of Manual procedure, there are two steps to follow. First, you need to export Windows Live Mail emails to PST format, and then import these PST files to Office 365. Checkout the below steps to understand the process better.
Step 1: Open Windows Live Mail. Click File > Export Email, and then select Email Messages.
Select email messages under file option
Step 2: Choose Microsoft Exchange from the Select Program list and click Next.
Select file format to export email
Step 3: A new message window will appear on screen for confirming the exportation of messages. Click on OK to proceed.
Screen for confirming the exportation of messages
Step 4: Select the folders files and folders you want to export from Windows Live Mail to MS Outlook and click OK.
Select files/folders to export
Step 5: A window will appear on screen showing the progress of the EML to PST conversion process.
progress of the EML to PST conversion
Step 6: An EML to PST conversion process completion message will appear on screen; click the Finish button.
EML to PST conversion process completion message
Step 7: Login into the Office 365 account.
Login Office 365 account
Step 8: In the Import page (of Data governance), create new job to upload data to Office 365 Azure storage location.
Step 9: Now, copy and save the network upload SAS URL.
Step 10: Download and install Azure AzCopy tool and run it.
Step 11: Use the command prompt to upload the PST files (from a shared location) to Office 365 using the AzCopy.exe tool (optionally, you can view the PST files using Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer).
Step 12: Create a CSV file having the details of mailboxes (in the Microsoft recommended format).
Step 13: Create a PST import job (validating the CSV file that has been created).
Step 14: Finally, import PST files to Office 365 (filter the PST file data if required).
I hope these steps will be helpful!
Mark Wilson
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If you want to convert EML to Outlook, you should use the EML to PST Converter Software. It is the most successful EML to Outlook migration tool in the online marketplace. Single and multiple EML accounts can be converted into PST files. EML can be exported to PST, EML, EMLX, MSG, and HTML formats. For user convenience, it will include a free demo in which the user can export the first few things in a PST format.