When you complete a floor for OSRS gold your first time you get double XP. The second time you just get half. This is called stature, however you can get double XP again if you click the reset button. Thus, everyone does all the flooring they have unlocked once Like flooring 1 - 27, clicks the refresh button, does floors 1 - 29, (since they lvled dungeoneering by finishing dungeons), clicks reset again, and it keeps going like that. Try not to perish as it enhances the XP you receive.
If you are F2P some of the rooms are members only doors. They are not unlockable so don't worry about them. Should you want any help about the puzzles, then ask the folks in your party or check Rs Wikia. They've an wonderful puzzle manual. Most of the time, the people in your party will insult you by calling you a noob but eventually aid you.
Perform dugeoneering around the official globe. I believe that it's world 7. Also, if someone is spamming about how they have the flooring you need, click commerce on them. This means you need them to send you a petition to join their celebration. If you would like to change from melee to stove or to magic, solo a complexity 1 floor. You do not even have to finish it. Simply bind (makes it so you've got that thing in your inventory every time automatically) the thing (s) you need and stop. Whenever you've got a low dungeoneering level you're allowed to have 1 weapon or piece of armor and 125 of a single type of rune or arrow.
Hello there! I am currently sitting in 82 runecrafting and cheap RS gold undecided on which method to use so as to achieve 91. I've crafted natures using a Graahk since 75 and would quite like to try out something different, my options are: Legislation (abyss), Laws (balloon), ZMI, Dual astrals, Graahk natures.